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Digital Cookie is a fun and easy-to-use tool to help girls kick off their cookie business and take their sales beyond the booth with online and mobile channels that make it easy for cookie fans near and far to support their favorite Girl Scout!

Learn how girls set up their digital storefront and easily inform their customers that their cookie business is open. Customers love how easy it is to place their orders with Digital Cookie. Use the mobile app to take cookie orders too. Learn how girls can take their cookie business to greater heights using the contactless reader during the booth phase. Plus, troop leaders will learn new ways they can use Digital Cookie to support their troop.

Virtua Girl HD Offline 29 Girls Full

Starting at the 1000+ level, girls can opt for Cookie Dough instead of a traditional reward. Girls can use Cookie Dough towards annual membership dues, council sponsored activities, resident camp, GSUSA Destinations and Girl Scout merchandise from our council store. Cookie Dough cannot be used for the purchase of cookies or paying cookie debt.

Your support of our girl changemakers means Girl Up can continue to work toward a world where girls have equal value, opportunity, and the chance to reach their fullest potential. You can make a difference in the life of a girl by donating today.

Where in the digital world do teens meet new friends? Among boys who have made a friend online, video games are a hot spot -- 57 percent made a friend while gaming over online networks. As for girls, 78 percent who made a friend online met on a social media site like Facebook or Instagram. 2ff7e9595c

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