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Bridge The Construction Game POSTMORTEM.rar.rar: A Review of the Game and Its Features


Military historians, too, crowded the shelves. There might be notedthe veracious Polybius--the classic Xenophon--the scientificCæsar--the amusing Froissart, with his quaint designs, and quainterdiscourses--and many an author unknown to fame, who in lengthy quarto,luxuriated on the lengthy campaigns of Marlborough or Eugene; those wisecommanders, who flourished in an era, when war was a well debatedscientific game of chess; when the rival opponents took their time,before making their moves; and the loss of a pawn was followed by theloss of a kingdom. There might you be enamoured with even a soldier'shardships, as your eye glanced on the glowing circumstantial details ofKincaid;--or you might glory in your country's Thucydides, as you readthe nervous impassioned language of a Napier. Thou, too, Trant! ourfriend! wert there! Ah, why cut off in thy prime? Did not thy spiritglow with martial fire? Did not thy conduct give promise, that not invain were those talents accorded thee? What hadst thou done, to sinkthus early to a premature inglorious grave? Nor were our friends Folardand Jomini absent; nor eke the minute essays of a Jarry, who taught theaspiring youths of Great Britain all the arts of castrametation. Withwhat gusto does he show how to attack Reading; or how, with the greatestchance of success, to defend the tranquil town of Egham. Here would hesink trous de loup on the ancient Runnimede, whereby the advance of theenemy's cavalry would be frustrated; there would he cut down anabattis, or plant chevaux de frise. At this winding of England'snoblest river, would he establish a pontoon bridge; the approaches towhich he would enfilade, by a battery placed on yonder height.

Bridge The Construction Game POSTMORTEM.rar.rar


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